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Storage allocation in a sentence

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Sentence count:18Posted:2021-07-12Updated:2021-07-12
Similar words: storage locationdeallocationreallocationlocal storageresource allocationfile allocation tableallocationcollocationMeaning: n. (computer science) the assignment of particular areas of a magnetic disk to particular data or instructions. 
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(1) Requested file action aborted. Exceeded storage allocation dataset.
(2) Requested file action aborted. Exceeded storage allocation ( for current directory or dataset ) .
(3) The language does not define any storage allocation facility other than static definition and the stack discipline provided by the local variables of functions; there is no heap or garbage collection.
(4) Exceeded storage allocation ( for current directory or dataset ) .
(5) Storage allocation algorithm uses the first time to adapt to ( FF ) method.
(6) This places a priority on the speed of storage allocation and release, and control of these can be very valuable in some situations.
(7) By devising a strategy for storage allocation and distribution based on the business value of data, the theory went, we could reduce quantities of expensive high-end storage and thereby shrink costs.
(8) Simulate dynamic partition management for main memory storage allocation and recovery.
(9) The demonstration system management[], presentations faster storage allocation and recovery of storage space before and after state changes.
(10) This paper presents an economical algorithm for static storage allocation in FORTRAN implementation.
(11) The language does not define any storage allocation facility other than static definition and the provided by the local variables of functions...
(12) Allocators , which handle memory storage allocation/deallocation for elements in containers.
(13) This Paper describes some problems, which are very important for parallel computation, on storage allocation for pipeline processors, parallel processors, multiprocessors and VLSI Compuer systems.
(14) The research is to find the theory and method of optimal storage allocation in a jammed container yard in order to minimize re-shuffling.
(15) This opens up the prospect of configuring VGs with a relatively small number of disks and fine-grained storage allocation options through a large number of PPs, which are small in size.
(16) To release internal or external storage space under dynamic storage allocation.
(17) This Paper describes some problems, which are very important for parallel computation, on storage allocation for pipeline processors, parallel processors, multiprocessors and VLSI Computer systems.
(18) When you declare an elementary data type, it is not safe to assume that its memory consumption is the same as its nominal storage allocation.
More similar words: storage locationdeallocationreallocationlocal storageresource allocationfile allocation tableallocationcollocationallocation functionstorage areacost allocationcentral locationmemory allocationstorage lockerlocation informationlocationdeallocatereallocaterelocationallocatordislocationjob locationnonvolatile storageecholocationtranslocationradiolocationtemporary storagestorageallocatingvocational education
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